è che apre un teatro, uno spazio privato culturale a basso impatto
commerciale, oggi, qui? Un pazzo. Ma CASAVUOTA non è un teatro. E'
una casa, appunto. Vuota, quasi vuota. Nel centro di Bologna. Con una
sala abbastanza grande per farci spettacolo. Per pochi. E una cucina,
come in tutte le case. Non che si unisca la cena al teatro:
vincerebbe la cena, perché qua vince sempre la pancia. No. Solo
questo: dopo lo spettacolo, per chi vuole, ci si può fermare, stare
un po' assieme senza andarcene in giro per il Divertimentificio
bolognese a cercare un locale abbastanza silenzioso per scambiarci
qualche battuta. Chi viene è invitato a portare qualcosa da
condividere, da mangiare o da bere. Ma perché mi son messo a parlare
anch'io di cibo? Parliamo di teatro.
questo: nessuno mi dava più un posto dove provare. Cioè: me lo
davano ma coi se e coi ma. Io son sempre
stato abituato bene: lo volevo senza se e senza ma.
Poi han cominciato a chiedermi dei soldi. Mai successo in vent'anni.
Così ho deciso di prendere un posto io, pagato da me, dove posso
provare i miei spettacoli e invitare chi voglio. Ahi ahi: anche
tu hai finito per rassegnarti all'orticello. No. Niente business,
niente casa di charme, niente posti generici tipo Berlino o
Kobenhaven, niente circoli radical chic, niente vintage, niente di
niente: una casa sfigata in una zona sopravvalutata di una città
sopravvalutata. Casavuota, città vuota: siamo all'inizio, bisogna
ripartire dai fondamentali.
col mio teatro morale? Resisterò a dire cose importanti senza fare
la predica? O mi aspetta una vecchiaia dadaista? Allora, dicevamo: i
fondamentali. Prima di tutto un invito: gente, uscite di casa, per
l'amor di Dio, uscite di casa. Ma non per andare a far compere ai
Tdays, uscite per andare in altre case, uscite per vedere il
sottobosco, la tristezza delle case, delle cucine: c'è ancora
qualche pezzo di realtà, col suo sapore, la sua bruttezza povera,
anche qua? O i poveri sono condannati a nascondersi? Bisogna che ci
inventiamo delle strategie per rimanere, o tornare, o arrivare per la
prima volta, a contatto più ruvido con le cose. Il piccolo
condominio di Casavuota, in via San Felice 39, a Bologna, è così
composto: al piano primo uno studio legale di avvocatesse molto alla
mano e nell'appartamento accanto sei ragazzi gambiani rifugiati, al
piano secondo e ultimo: il nostro atelier teatrale. Accanto a noi: la
chiesa senza tetto di San Martino e Felice, un angolo di Palermo
nell'ordinata Bologna, uno dei pochi luoghi del centro ancora non
trasformati in superstore. Unico neo: Stefano, il ragazzo che viveva
in strada qua sotto, è scomparso da qualche settimana, che fine ha
fatto? Speriamo non sia colpa del decreto sul decoro del ministro
appuntamento: per festeggiare il ricordo della Liberazione di
Bologna dal Nazifascismo (21 aprile 1945), presentiamo lo spettacolo
UN CRISTIANO di Alessandro Berti e i libri EDUCATI ALLA GUERRA di
Gianluca Gabrielli (Ombre Corte, 2016) e LA CHIESA E LA MEMORIA
DIVISA DEL '900 a cura di Alessandra Deoriti (Pendragon 2016). Vi
aspettiamo a Casavuota, via San Felice 39, Bologna, 21-22 aprile 2017
ore 21.
Who's the crazy guy opening a theatre, a private, cultural, non-commercial place, today, and here? Casavuota is not a theatre, anyway. It's a house. Empty, almost. In the centre of Bologna. With a living room big enough to make performances in it. For a little audience. And a kitchen, as in every house. We don't really combine dinner and theatre: dinner would win, belly always wins here. No. Just this: after the performance, for those who want to, we can stop here together some time, without going all over the Bolonese Entertainment Factory in search of a place quiet enough to allow a little talk. Those who come are invited to bring something to share, to eat or drink. But why have I started to talk about food, me too? Let's talk about theatre. So: I couldn't find a place to rehearse anymore, not in town. Better: I could but there were always more ifs and buts. I've always been kind of spoiled, you know, I don't like ifs and buts. Then they started to ask me for money, never happened in twenty years. So I decided to take a place myself, paid by me, where to rehearse my performances and invite who I want to invite. Ahi ahi: you've endend up resigning your own garden. No. No business here, no charming house, no vague places like Berlin or Kobenhaven, no radical chic circles, no vintage, nothing like that. Just an uncool house in an overrated area of an overrated city. Casavuota: empty house, empty city. We're at the beginning, we've to re-start from the basics. Will I resist? I mean, with my kind of moral theatre? Or a dadaist senility is awaiting? Anyway, we were saying: the basics. First of all an invitation: get out of your houses, for God's sake, get out of'em! Not just to go shopping during Tdays, get out and enter other houses, see the underworld, the sadness of the houses, of kitchens: is there still some slice of reality left, with its taste, its poor ugliness, here too? Are the poor condemned to hide? We need to invent some strategies to remain, or come back, or get for the first time, to a rougher contact with things. The little Casavuota condo, via San Felice 39, Bologna, is so composed: on the first floor a law office with very easygoing, a little dorky lawyers, and beside them eight young refugees from Gambia and Nigeria, on the second and last floor our theatre-studio. Beside the condo: the old roofless San Martino and Felice Church, a corner of Palermo in the neat Bologna, one of the few ancient places in town not yet transformed in superstore. Future events in Casavuota: to celebrate the Liberation of Bologna from Nazi-fascism (1945, april 21st), we present the performance UN CRISTIANO by A. Berti and the books EDUCATI ALLA GUERRA by G. Gabrielli (Ombre corte 2016) and LA CHIESA E LA MEMORIA DIVISA DEL '900 BY A. Deoriti (Pendragon 2016), 2017, april 21st and 22nd, h 21.
Call Caterina to book, as usual (3355761197). Bring something to share, if u like.
Who's the crazy guy opening a theatre, a private, cultural, non-commercial place, today, and here? Casavuota is not a theatre, anyway. It's a house. Empty, almost. In the centre of Bologna. With a living room big enough to make performances in it. For a little audience. And a kitchen, as in every house. We don't really combine dinner and theatre: dinner would win, belly always wins here. No. Just this: after the performance, for those who want to, we can stop here together some time, without going all over the Bolonese Entertainment Factory in search of a place quiet enough to allow a little talk. Those who come are invited to bring something to share, to eat or drink. But why have I started to talk about food, me too? Let's talk about theatre. So: I couldn't find a place to rehearse anymore, not in town. Better: I could but there were always more ifs and buts. I've always been kind of spoiled, you know, I don't like ifs and buts. Then they started to ask me for money, never happened in twenty years. So I decided to take a place myself, paid by me, where to rehearse my performances and invite who I want to invite. Ahi ahi: you've endend up resigning your own garden. No. No business here, no charming house, no vague places like Berlin or Kobenhaven, no radical chic circles, no vintage, nothing like that. Just an uncool house in an overrated area of an overrated city. Casavuota: empty house, empty city. We're at the beginning, we've to re-start from the basics. Will I resist? I mean, with my kind of moral theatre? Or a dadaist senility is awaiting? Anyway, we were saying: the basics. First of all an invitation: get out of your houses, for God's sake, get out of'em! Not just to go shopping during Tdays, get out and enter other houses, see the underworld, the sadness of the houses, of kitchens: is there still some slice of reality left, with its taste, its poor ugliness, here too? Are the poor condemned to hide? We need to invent some strategies to remain, or come back, or get for the first time, to a rougher contact with things. The little Casavuota condo, via San Felice 39, Bologna, is so composed: on the first floor a law office with very easygoing, a little dorky lawyers, and beside them eight young refugees from Gambia and Nigeria, on the second and last floor our theatre-studio. Beside the condo: the old roofless San Martino and Felice Church, a corner of Palermo in the neat Bologna, one of the few ancient places in town not yet transformed in superstore. Future events in Casavuota: to celebrate the Liberation of Bologna from Nazi-fascism (1945, april 21st), we present the performance UN CRISTIANO by A. Berti and the books EDUCATI ALLA GUERRA by G. Gabrielli (Ombre corte 2016) and LA CHIESA E LA MEMORIA DIVISA DEL '900 BY A. Deoriti (Pendragon 2016), 2017, april 21st and 22nd, h 21.
Call Caterina to book, as usual (3355761197). Bring something to share, if u like.